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OCO is opposed to this legislation with significant and sweeping changes to the zoning for some parts of Oakland, loss of Residential Compatibility Standards (RCS) and the extreme increase in allowable building heights. See our video visually showing the detrimental impact of these changes. Check back to this page for updates on this project.
This video link below is about Walnut Capital’s Oakland Crossings proposal that is phase 1 of the larger Oakland Plan.
The Oakland Plan was before the City Planning Commission Tuesday 6/14/22 at 2pm.
Youtube link to Planning Commission hearing, at the start of Oakland Plan portion at approx 1:12:00
When 2021-1906 was presented at the June 15 City Council Standing Committee, an amendment was added to change the 400′ permitted length to 425′. As this amendment had not been made public, the City Solicitor advised action on it could not be taken. It is being held in Standing Committee until Wednesday, June 22 and thus a Council vote on it could not be until Tuesday, June 28, which is after the scheduled June 23 Development Activities Meeting. Since it doesn’t make sense to have a DAM when the governing zoning is not known, the DAM is being rescheduled for July, date not yet confirmed.
>> Click here (or on image below) to see our latest draft of video. <<
Here is the QR Code to refer people to this page.
In Service to Community: In addition to our Pitt Pandemic Service Initiative, we’re continuing to find new ways to serve and support the communities we call home. Whether it’s helping to get technology into the hands of those who need it most, offering virtual babysitting classes or getting meals to local families, our faculty, staff and students aren’t letting the pandemic stop them from partnering and engaging with our neighbors.