02/20 2013

Vacant Property Registry

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CityCouncilDistrict6Councilman Lavelle is set to propose an ordinance that would require financial institutions upon commencing a foreclosure action, to:

  • Register the property with the Bureau of Building Inspection. The registration would require appointing a local point of contact (within Allegheny County) who would respond to any problems that might arise with the property
  • Maintain the property to all applicable exterior building codes.

Failure to register the property will result in additional penalties and fees.  For the purposes of this legislation, financial institutions will be required to perform an inspection of the property, no later than 30 days after foreclosure is initiated, and if the property is determined to be vacant, then the property must be registered.  Periodic re-inspections of properties will be required to ensure that properties are maintained and occupancy status is well-known.

Cities throughout the country have implemented programs such as the Vacant Property Registry to deal with abandoned bank-owned properties, often referred to as REO (Real Estate Owned) properties.  These similar programs have demonstrated potential to address blight and abandonment in our communities. Councilman Lavelle and his staff have sought the input of community groups and banks in this process in order to refine and strengthen the proposed ordinance, and we look forward to the introduction of this ordinance.

If you would like more information about the Vacant Property Registry, contact PCRG’s Land Use Policy Coordinator, Ed Nusser, at enusser@pcrg.org or (412) 391-6732 ext. 203.

02/20 2013


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Are you currently looking for employment?
Sent 02/12/2013 @ 11:33 am
The bedrock of a sustainable community is an economically stable community.  Since being elected, our office has taken a proactive approach towards helping our constituency find employment opportunities.  Please click here for a few employment opportunities that are currently available throughout the City of Pittsburgh.   If you would like to volunteer or participate be a featured sponsor at our upcoming employment/resource fair, please give our office a call at 412-255-2134.
R. Daniel Lavelle
02/20 2013


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CityCouncilDistrict6Allegheny Cleanways to Provide Supplies and Training for Neighborhood Clean-ups
Sent 02/12/2013 @ 11:48 am from Councilman Daniel Lavelle’s Office


Allegheny CleanWays, an affiliate of the nonprofit Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, is providing equipment and training for this year’s Spring Redd Up/Great American Cleanup of PA.

The Great American Cleanup of PA is a statewide initiative that encourages people throughout the Commonwealth to help eliminate unsightly debris along our roads, sidewalks, and streams. Sponsored by The PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the Department of Transportation (PennDOT), and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, Inc., the event, known locally as the Spring Redd Up, spans several weeks with most communities focusing on the Earth Day weekend of April 19th-21st.

Allegheny CleanWays will again serve as a distributor of gloves, bags and safety vests for PennDOT, and will provide two training workshops in partnership with the Community

Technical Assistance Center (CTAC) on how to coordinate a community cleanup. The two-hour program covers topics such as: assessing the target area and obtaining the equipment to clean it, engaging and supporting volunteers, developing a project AlleghenyCleanWayscoordination team, managing communications and the actual cleanup event. Refreshments and time for planning will be provided.

For a schedule of the workshops and to register, access the following link, or call Allegheny CleanWays at 412.381.1301.

For more information about the Great PA Cleanup, go to www.greatpacleanup.org.


R. Daniel Lavelle

02/20 2013


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Welcome to the Oakcliffe.org website. This site was created when the minutes from the Oakcliffe Housing Club monthly meeting minutes reached 40 pages! We are still under construction, but we are indeed up and running for announcements. Huge thank you to Phil Garrow for getting the site on it’s feet. Announcements and info for the South Oakland Community will now be available right here in blog form. If you need additional information or you would like to have a post approved, please email OakcliffeHousingClub@gmail.com or phone 412-246-1619 and leave a message.  Thank You, Dave Panasiuk, Chairman, Oakcliffe Housing Club