07/24 2014

Pgh Citizen’s Police Academy – Starts Tue 9/9/14 – Applications Due 9/3/14

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Twice a year, the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police sponsors an opportunity for members of the community to become closely acquainted with the roles and responsibilities of the Police Bureau.  The Pittsburgh Citizen’s Police Academy (CPA) brings the police and the community close together in a setting that offers a sample of police training to each participant.

Participants receive three hours of training one evening each week for 15 weeks in many of the varied functions of law enforcement.  They experience some of the highlights of police training and are exposed to the operations of the police bureau.  Participants are taught the basics of criminal law, search and seizure, patrol tactics, firearms and many other subjects.  They learn about the processing of a crime scene, how police canines are used, and are exposed to many of the specialty police units. CPA participants meet and talk with many of the street officers as well as the command staff and training staff that serves them.  All this takes place in a safe and entertaining training environment.

Instructors are law enforcement professionals who teach both veteran and recruit police officers.  Students leave this training with a greater understanding of the police mission and with an increased ability to see how the police serve the community.

This program is not an accredited certification course to become a sworn police officer.

The next session of the CPA will begin on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, at the Pittsburgh Police Headquarters 1203 Western Avenue Pittsburgh Pa 15233.  The program will be held each Tuesday evening, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for 15 weeks.  

Class size is limited to 30 participants.  All interested persons must complete an application and give permission for the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police to conduct a background check to determine if they have a criminal record.  The CPA application can be found at


Please return applications by U.S. mail or hand-deliver to the Pittsburgh Police Training Academy. All applications must be received by September 3, 2014.

07/10 2014


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July 15th marks the grand reopening of Nola on the Square in Downtown’s Market Square.  The occasion will include a celebration of live Jazz music throughout the week.  All are welcome to enjoy themselves at the restaurant while live music is held each night from July 15 to July 19.  For a list of bands and times, please see the attached links:
07/09 2014

Free Assistance With PA Property Tax/Rent Rebate Forms – Deadline Extended To 12/31/14

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Free assistance with PA Property Tax/Rent Rebate forms- deadline extended to 12/31/14
The State has extended the deadline for people to file forms to receive rebates from the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program until December 31.
People who would like assistance (at no cost to them) in completing the form should contact Pitt Outreach.
The rebate is available to income-eligible people who are: 
-65 years of age or older 
-widows or widowers 50 years of age or older
-people with disabilities 18 years of age or older
Thea Young
Outreach and Enrollment Team
Department of Family Medicine
University of Pittsburgh
PittOutreach2013 @ gmail.com
412 – 383 – 2359
07/02 2014

Celebrate Oakland’s 175th Anniversary! Fri & Sat 10/10&11

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Celebrate Oakland’s
175th Anniversary!
Schenley Plaza
Friday & Saturday,
October 10 & 11, 2014

Oakland Forever is a huge celebration of the people, places and things that make Oakland a fantastic neighborhood.  This truly community driven event is being organized and led by Oakland community organizations, institutions and businesses.  Drawing on the profound history of Oakland, the current culture of innovation among institutional partners, and the strong sense of community pride, this fête will highlight and mark Oakland’s unique and vibrant character.
You can contribute to the planning for this event by filling out this survey

For more info check out their website: