06/12 2015

UPMC Presby Hospital Demolition

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​UPMC will continue with the scheduled demolition along Fifth Ave.  ​UPMC will install a crane on site next Monday, June 15. Demolition is scheduled to begin in July and run through labor day weekend.
06/12 2015

Joncaire St Steps Reconstruction Project Update

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The City recently finished their geo-tech study of the site; the study revealed that the existing steps are slowly sliding down the hill. In order to address this, building the new steps will require core drilling into the bedrock. 

The current project timeline is:

  • Design completion by December 2015.
  • The project will be bid out in January 2016.
  • Demolition will begin Winter 2016.
  • Construction will finish Spring 2016.
06/12 2015

Oakwatch Mtg – Wed 6/17, 6pm Oakland Career Ctr, 294 Semple St

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Next Oakwatch meeting is Wednesday, June 17, at 6pm at the Oakland Career Center (294 Semple Street). The City's Nighttime Economy Manager Maya Henry will join as our guest speaker.  Regular updates from valued enforcement partners. Expect lemonade!

Find May's meeting minutes online at opdc.org/oakwatch

-The Zone 4 Public Safety Council Meeting has moved to the third Thursday of the month– next meeting is Thursday, June 18th at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh in Squirrel Hill.

-Officer Leshen shared an online bike registry site as a way to prevent and track stolen bikes: bikeindex.org

06/12 2015

Capital Budget Deliberative Forum – Mon 6/22 6-8:30pm S Side Market House

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The second of two Capital Budget Deliberative Forums is Monday, June 22 from 6-8:30 PM at the South Side Market House, 1 Bedford Square, 15203.
You can add your voice to the Capital Budget conversation, too, at
Event description:
Two Capital Budget Deliberative Forums will be held this year as part of the City’s Capital Budget development process. This year, the hearings will follow a new format that gives residents the chance to learn more about what goes into the Capital Budget, discuss needs and priorities in a small-group setting, and ask questions of an expert panel. Residents will also have the chance to let the City know of specific Capital work in their neighborhoods that they would like to see done in 2016.
    High resident participation is crucial to the success of the Capital Budget process, which is why we ask that all community-based groups commit to sending at least ONE representative from their neighborhood to one of our Capital Budget Deliberative Forums to ensure equal participation citywide.
  • Monday, June 22, 6-8:30 PM Southside Market House 1 Bedford Square
Each session will include:
  • A brief overview of the budgeting process.
  • Small-group discussions of budget priorities and resident’s needs.
  • An opportunity for residents to ask questions of an expert panel.
We ask all participants to commit to the entire 2.5 hours of the forum.  Food and refreshments will be provided.  While it is not mandatory, we would appreciate your pre-registration.
06/12 2015

New Online Bicycle Registry

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The Bike Index makes stolen bikes harder to sell and easier to recover by making sure important information about your bike is there when you need it the most.
The process is simple, secure, and free.