04/05 2013


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CityCouncilDistrict6Applications Due on May 17, 2013

Sent 04/03/2013 @ 12:58 pm


The Joint Apprenticeship Committee of the Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Local #2 are announcing their apprenticeship program for 2013. Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Applicant must pick up the application in person and have photo identification. A non-refundable $25.00 fee is due upon the receipt of the application. Payment must be by money order or certified check, made payable to the: “Joint Apprenticeship Program, AWL #2”.
  • Applicant must send the completed application to the office of the committee, post marked on or before May 17, 2013.
  • Applicant must be a minimum of 18 years of age, as of the date of application.
  • Applicant must be physically able to perform the work of trade.
  • Applicant must be a high school graduate by June, 30, 2013, or have a G.E.D.
  • Applicant must have a dependable form of transportation.
  • Applicant must be a Western Pennsylvania resident for a minimum of one year immediately prior to the application date.
  • Applicant will be required to take a written examination.
  • Applicant must submit to a certified drug test, at the program’s expense, before final acceptance into the program.
If interested in this apprenticeship program, applications are available at the AWL#2 Apprentice Training Center, 1057 Clinton Road, Clinton PA 15026.Applications can be picked up from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm from Monday, April 29th to Saturday, May 4th and again from Monday, May 6th to Thursday, May 9th. 
For more information, please contact the Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Local #2 at 724-695-0415.
04/05 2013


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CityCouncilDistrict6Join Councilman Lavelle on Tuesday, April 9th
Sent 04/05/2013 @ 12:19 pm


This is a reminder for the third online town hall that will take place on Tuesday, April 9th at 7pm. It is an opportunity for all of the constituents of District 6 to ask questions and interact with me online, whether through webcam, phone or via instant messaging. To log on, just follow these instructions:

  1. Go to www.concert-oh.com and select the meeting
  2. Join by clicking the red JOIN button
  3. Select the START A CALL (for PC) option. A passcode/PIN will be provided on the screen when this option is clicked. For those using the DIAL IN (phone) option, a passcode/PIN will also be provided on-screen.
  4. Click on the “Raise Hand” icon to participate in the meeting. The Councilman will place you in “talk mode” when he is ready to take your question.
  5. Scroll over the Councilman’s image and select the Floating option to increase video size.

To view the flyer for this event, please click here. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at 412-255-2134.

03/25 2013

City of Pittsburgh New Bike Share Program Public Meetings

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The City of Pittsburgh is introducing a bike share program in which users are given a key or code to access a bicycle at parked solar-powered docking stations at any time. The program will include 500 bikes for point-to-point trips across the city.
Passes for the system will range from annual, monthly, three-day and 24-hour. Users can take advantage of an app called Spotcycle to determine if a bike or empty dock is available at a station.
The Pittsburgh Bike Share is expected to cost $3 million dollars and is a result of public-private partnership between the City of Pittsburgh, Bakery Square, BikePGH and Alta Planning and Design.  To date, according to Mayor Ravenstahl’s office, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has provided a $1.6 million dollar grant whicl project organizers are securing a $400,000 match from foundations and $1 million from corporate sponsors.
Two public information-sharing meetings are currently scheduled:
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 – 6 p.m.
Carnegie Mellon University
McKenna-Peter-Wright Rooms
2nd Floor, University Center
5302 Forbes Avenue
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 – 12 Noon
Point Park University
Lawrence Hall Ballroom
201 Wood Street
For more information, visit BikePGH http://bikepgh.org or Pittsburgh Bike Share www.pghbikeshare.org
03/25 2013

The Finishing Trades Institute Of Western PA Joint Apprenticeship & Training Program

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CityCouncilDistrict6The Finishing Trades Institute of Western Pennsylvania District Council #57 Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program will be accepting applications for apprenticeship in the Painters/Glazers/Drywall Finishers program for the year 2013.

  • Applicant must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Prior to final acceptance, a doctor’s certificate of examination may be required.
  • A certified drug test will be required starting the program, at the program’s expense.
  • Applicant must be a citizen of the United States or a legal US resident.
  • Applicant must submit a non-refundable process
  • ing fee with the application (money order or certified check in the amount of $20.00).
  • Applicant must have a High School Diploma or GED (submitted with application).
  • Applicant must have a valid driver’s license for the state of residency and have dependable transportation (submitted with application).
Applications can be obtained on the following:
Place: District Council #57 Office, 101 Ewing Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15106
Time: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 and Thursday, April 25, 2013.
The requirements are:


The selection process will be intent to hire. Selection will be made according to the needs within the 32 counties of Western Pennsylvania covered by the Training Program.
For more information, please call the District Council #57 office at 412-276-6061.
03/13 2013


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CityCouncilDistrict6Sent 03/13/2013 @ 5:05 pm


I have been an advocate of low-moderate income communities, supporting education, employment and health care initiatives that open up a path towards self-sustainabililty. In that spirit, and in light of the Commonwealth Court’s recent majority decision ordering the Corbett administration to spend tobacco settlement proceeds on health care programs for the working poor, I introduced on March 12 a Will of Council urging the Governor to respect the Court’s decision by refunding the adultBasic program or other similar health care program. Click here to view the document.

Health care costs are on the rise, with medical bankruptcies one of the principal causes of bankruptcy in the US. Now is not the time to be cutting these services to our populations in need.  The intent of the Will of Council is to serve as a strong signal to the Corbett administration to respect the Court’s decision and to reinstate a health program that provides affordable healtch care to Pennsylvanians that do not receive insurance from their employers, earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid, or are too young to receive Medicare.


R. Daniel Lavelle

03/13 2013


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Are you currently looking for employment?

Sent 03/13/2013 @ 11:27 am


The bedrock of a sustainable community is an economically stable community.  Since being elected, our office has taken a proactive approach towards helping our constituency find employment opportunities.  Please click here for a few employment opportunities that are currently available throughout the City of Pittsburgh.
The District 6 office will hosting the “Pittsburgh JobStart Employment and Resource Fair” in the Spring. Be on the look out as more information will be relesed in the next few weeks.  If you would like to volunteer or participate to be a featured sponsor at our upcoming employment/resource fair, please give our office a call at 412-255-2134.
R. Daniel Lavelle
02/21 2013

Mayor Ravenstahl’s Civic Leadership Academy – Apply Today!

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I hope you are doing well and staying warm during these frosty days! The Mayor’s Civic Leadership Academy is accepting applications for the Spring 2013 session! The Civic Leadership Academy is a free 10-week course about local government created by Mayor Ravenstahl to foster more informed, effective and inspired community and civic leadership. Participants learn about a different City departments and the services they provide to make for a safer, more livable City. It includes tours, hands-on demonstrations, and fun activities that give an up-close and personal view of how the City is governed and run. 
The Spring class will kick off on March 13, 2013 and wrap up on May 15th, 2013; classes will be held every Wednesday evening from 6-8:30 pm. Applications are now available; individuals can apply online at: pittsburghpa.gov/cla/application. Applications are due this Friday, February 22! Please contact (412) 255-2280 with any questions and concerns! Thank you so much and I look forward to the Spring class! 

Melanie Pfeiffenberger

Civic Engagement Associate, Mayor’s Office of Service and Civic Engagement
City of Pittsburgh, Office of Mayor Luke Ravenstahl
02/20 2013

Vacant Property Registry

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CityCouncilDistrict6Councilman Lavelle is set to propose an ordinance that would require financial institutions upon commencing a foreclosure action, to:

  • Register the property with the Bureau of Building Inspection. The registration would require appointing a local point of contact (within Allegheny County) who would respond to any problems that might arise with the property
  • Maintain the property to all applicable exterior building codes.

Failure to register the property will result in additional penalties and fees.  For the purposes of this legislation, financial institutions will be required to perform an inspection of the property, no later than 30 days after foreclosure is initiated, and if the property is determined to be vacant, then the property must be registered.  Periodic re-inspections of properties will be required to ensure that properties are maintained and occupancy status is well-known.

Cities throughout the country have implemented programs such as the Vacant Property Registry to deal with abandoned bank-owned properties, often referred to as REO (Real Estate Owned) properties.  These similar programs have demonstrated potential to address blight and abandonment in our communities. Councilman Lavelle and his staff have sought the input of community groups and banks in this process in order to refine and strengthen the proposed ordinance, and we look forward to the introduction of this ordinance.

If you would like more information about the Vacant Property Registry, contact PCRG’s Land Use Policy Coordinator, Ed Nusser, at enusser@pcrg.org or (412) 391-6732 ext. 203.

02/20 2013


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Are you currently looking for employment?
Sent 02/12/2013 @ 11:33 am
The bedrock of a sustainable community is an economically stable community.  Since being elected, our office has taken a proactive approach towards helping our constituency find employment opportunities.  Please click here for a few employment opportunities that are currently available throughout the City of Pittsburgh.   If you would like to volunteer or participate be a featured sponsor at our upcoming employment/resource fair, please give our office a call at 412-255-2134.
R. Daniel Lavelle