12/18 2024

Letter From A Concerned Neighbor About School Buses

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School buses now issue $300 tickets.

Dear Neighbor,

I was recently caught off-guard by something every driver should know about.  Pittsburgh school buses now have video cameras.  These cameras record any movement from the time the bus’s safety lights are activated, even before the stop-arm is extended.  If you aren’t watching carefully, you can be in violation.

If a violation occurs, a $300 citation will be mailed to the vehicle owner regardless of who is driving.  This citation is a civil fine.  It does not add points on your license or directly affect your auto insurance.

The citation shows pictures of your vehicle (see attached scan) and a link to the Alertbus.com website where you can access the pictures and video of your vehicle and an opportunity to pay the fine by credit card.  A prominent local attorney confirmed the law that allows these citations to be issued, 75 Pa. C.S. Section 3345.1(c)(4).

If the citation is not paid, you will be sent for collection, which can severely affect your credit score and increase your insurance premiums.  To contest liability, follow the instructions on the citation and you will be notified of your hearing details. There is a non-refundable $90 court fee for this hearing.

I am all for improved school bus safety, but I don’t think enough has been done to alert the public about this new system, including marking all buses with the words “Video Monitored” prominently displayed on every bus.

WPXI has done multiple reports on the complaints they’ve received about this system.  One report stated that $858,559 in revenue had been collected in the first six months of using these school bus camera tickets. Less than half of that money goes to the school system, a small amount to enforcement, and the rest goes to BusPatrol, the company that provides the AlertBus cameras and processes citations.




This is a link to the notice from Pittsburgh Public Schools about the program:


Sincerely, Phil Garrow
South Oakland Resident
03/10 2020

Swinburne St Reopens!

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The City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) is pleased to announce the opening of Swinburne Street in South Oakland. The road will remain open until final paving is done in the spring. Swinburne Street will then be fully reopened with unrestricted two way traffic. 
This follows five months of construction to stabilize the slope. Swinburne is one of several streets that have been affected by landslides over the last few years due to extreme weather conditions. 
For questions, please contact the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure at domi.streets@pittsburghpa.gov or 412-255-8850.  More information on the project and periodic updates can be found at https://pittsburghpa.gov/domi/current-projects.

Project construction photos are below. (Credit: Department of Mobility and Infrastructure)

08/20 2019

Lyft Grocery Access Program For Rides To Giant Eagle

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Lyft, 412 Food Rescue, and Giant Eagle are teaming up to help you get a ride to and from Giant Eagle. 
As a means to reduce the time and financial burden caused by commuting to grocery stores and to further empower families by providing access to grocery stores with healthy options: Lyft is offering discounted ($2.50) rides to/from Giant Eagle for 200 families in need in the Pittsburgh area.
08/16 2019

Street Closures In Oakland 8/17-25

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Several Oakland Streets will be closed 8/18-25 due to Pitt & CMU Student Arrival 
Three Oakland streets adjacent to Carnegie Mellon University will be closed to through traffic from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 17, as first-year students move into their residence halls for orientation. CMU’s weeklong orientation program aims to help incoming students learn about each other, campus life and the local community.
07/12 2019

Boulevard of the Allies Betterment Project; single-lanerestrictions begin

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Route 885 Boulevard of the Allies Betterment Project Began, July 11, in Pittsburgh  
Source: PennDOT   
The $7.08 million project includes milling and resurfacing, concrete patching, minor structure repairs, traffic signal replacement at Bates Street, ADA curb ramp work, utility adjustments, and bicycle safe grate installation between the Liberty Bridge and Bates Street in Pittsburgh.
Work will begin with single-lane restrictions on the Boulevard of the Allies from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. on weeknights in the Oakland section between the Birmingham Bridge and Bates Street through early August.
Additionally, daylight work requiring single-lane restrictions may occur from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays.

Construction activities will then shift to the area between the Birmingham Bridge and the ramps to the Crosstown Boulevard and Liberty Bridge. Overnight and off-peak daylight lane restrictions will occur in this section.
Additionally, two weekend closures for paving operations may occur. This work has not yet been scheduled. Information will be provided prior to any work occurring.
Swank Construction Company LLC is the prime contractor. Work will be coordinated with other projects located in the same vicinity.
The overall project is anticipated to conclude by late January 2020. 

04/03 2019

Street Cleaning Begins 4/1/19 – Check Signs For Info

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City of Pittsburgh Street Cleaning starts April 1, 2019 through November 30, 2019.  Most Oakland street parking is 3rd Wednesday or Thursday every month. It is advised for people to park in the direction of traffic so that you can see all applicable signs. Parking in the wrong direction can get you a ticket as well! 
10/29 2018

Rte 2085 Birmingham Bridge Washing begin Mon 10/29/18

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 Route 2085 Birmingham Bridge Washing Activities begin Monday in Pittsburgh 
PennDOT District 11 is announcing washing activities on the Birmingham Bridge (Route 2085) over the Monongahela River in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, will begin today, Monday, October 29 weather permitting. 
Single-lane restrictions will occur on the bridge weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday, November 16 as crews from Michael Facchiano Contracting, Inc. conduct bridge washing activities. 
Motorists can check conditions on more than 40,000 roadway miles by visiting www.511PA.com. 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 860 traffic cameras. 
511PA is also available through a smartphone application for iPhone and Android devices, by calling 5-1-1, or by following regional Twitter alerts accessible on the 511PA website. 
10/17 2018

Traffic Advisory Blvd Allies Inbound Restrictions Thru 11/17

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 Traffic Advisory
Northbound Route 885 Boulevard of the Allies Long-term Lane Restriction 
PennDOT District 11 is announcing a long-term lane restriction on inbound (northbound) Boulevard of the Allies (Route 885) in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County.
A long-term lane closure will occur in the in inbound direction of the Boulevard of the Allies between Miltenberger Street and Marion Street continuously through Saturday, November 17.
Crews from Mascaro Contracting Company, L.P. will conduct improvement work for Mercy Hospital.
PennDOT is not involved in this work and is providing this information as a public service announcement only. 
For additional information, contact Joe Gula at 412-321-4901 
10/17 2018

City Seeks Input On New Bike Plan

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   City Seeks Input on New Bike Plan
In support of ongoing efforts to provide a more sustainable transportation system, the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure is pleased to announce plans to create a new Pittsburgh Bike Plan. The Plan will develop guidelines and standards for bicycle facilities, as well as identity and propose improvements. Through the implementation of the new Bike Plan, Pittsburghers of all ages and abilities will have a better opportunity to incorporate bike riding into work commutes, recreation activities, daily errand-running, and social events. 
Following an initial round of public outreach in 2016, the Department of Mobility of Infrastructure has released a draft bike network map and is looking for comments from residents. The interactive online map is a collaborative tool for collecting comments on specific routes and locations. 
To better identify priority locations for walking and biking improvements and discuss goals and strategies for the Plan, two public meetings were held this month, with a final meeting set for 6 p.m. tonight at East Liberty Presbyterian Church, 116 S. Highland Drive. 
More information can be found at the Bike Plan’s website, or by contacting Kristin Saunders, Principle Transportation Planner, at kristin.saunders@pittsburghpa.gov.
09/12 2018

Commuter Survey

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The Make My Trip Count (MMTC) 2018 survey has officially launched! 
The Make My Trip Count regional commuter survey launched, as part of Pittsburgh’s effort to capture residents’ changing transportation choices. 
Created by Green Building Alliance in partnership with the region’s major transportation partners Make My Trip Count (MMTC) measures traditional transit modes like personal vehicles, light rail, and buses, in addition to ridesharing (such as Uber and Lyft), electric vehicles, and bike share users. 
The survey on MakeMyTripcount.org takes 5 to 10 minutes, and the results will inform critical transportation and infrastructure decisions throughout Western Pennsylvania.   
“The survey asks every resident to share their commuter experience,” explains Executive Director of Green Building Alliance Jenna Cramer. “We can only create a healthier and more vibrant city if we understand how all Pittsburghers access economic opportunity.” 
Respondents who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing to win one of twenty $50 visa gift cards. 
Make My Trip Count runs from September 10th until October 26th on MakeMyTripCount.org.