06/13 2017

Parade for 2017 Stanley Cup Champion Pgh Penguins

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The City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County announced that a victory parade for the 2017 Stanley Cup Champion Pittsburgh Penguins will take place in downtown on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. 
The parade route will follow a similar route as previous championship parades that took place in 2009 and 2016 but will now end at Point State Park. 
06/13 2017

Suspect In Car Break-Ins 6/10/17

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These are images of a man caught on camera breaking into a car in South Oakland.  He appears to be a heavy set white male, beard, long wavy/curly hair, backpack, might be carrying a small towel with him. He's seen walking around Oakland between 2:30am to 4:00am on June 10.  If you have any information on this guy, please alert police or let us know.