04/10 2018

Two Zone 4 Coffee With A Cop Events Tue 4/17 & Thu 4/19

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Building relationships. One cup at a time!
Come join the Pittsburgh Police Force for coffee and conversation! This is a great opportunity to ask questions, voice concerns, and get to know the Zone 4 Neighborhood & Community Resource Officers.
  • Tuesday, April 17, 10am-1pm – The Coffee Tree, 5524 Walnut St, 15232
  • Thursday, April 19, 1pm-3pm – Starbucks, 2345 Murray Ave, 15217
Any questions? Please contact Zone 4 Police Station (412) 422-6559


04/10 2018

PRC 2018 Collection Events

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Mark your 2018 calendar now for dates to drop off a wide variety of materials – ranging from computers and household chemicals to usable building materials and unwanted medications – at upcoming collections sponsored by PRC and its partners. 
PRC provides Pennsylvania residents with options to conveniently and cost-effectively dispose of a wide variety of materials throughout the spring, summer, and fall of 2018. 
04/10 2018

Online Tool To Provide Feedback To City Budget Planning

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City launches interactive online tool for access to budget 
  • How are your tax dollars spent?
  • How would you spend City money?
  • How would you balance the budget? 
The City of Pittsburgh has launched an online interactive tool in order to engage constituents regarding the budget and collect feedback. 
The Office of Management and Budget announced the launch of Balancing Act, which includes features simulating users' own capital budget and operating budget, as well as a tax receipt tool to show an individual's contributions to the city, according to a news release. 
The tool also aims to allow for greater transparency and access for a better understanding of the process, according to the release. 
Click on the link below to use the tool and submit your budget as a recommendation to the city.