04/14 2018

Earth Day 2018 at Frick Environmental Ctr April 20 & 21

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  Every April, hundreds of Pittsburghers flock to Frick Park for one reason: Earth Day! Will you join in on this free two-day community celebration? 
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy's 
Earth Day 2018 at Frick Environmental Center
April 20th and 21st 

04/14 2018

Oakland BRT Public Mtg – Tue, 5/15/18 6-7:30p OPDCCareer Ctr, 294 Semple St

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 Allegheny County, the City of Pittsburgh, Port Authority of Allegheny County, and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh have proposed a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system that connects Downtown Pittsburgh with Uptown, Oakland, and several other communities. 
In addition to enhancing public transit, this project has the potential to unlock development and contribute to neighborhood growth and link residents to job centers, educational opportunities, medical services, and cultural attractions. 
The project’s current estimated capital cost is $195 million. 
Oakland Public Meeting
When: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6-7:30 p.m.
Where: OPDC Career Center, 294 Semple Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Who: Riders of the 61, 71 and P3 series bus routes. Riders of the P7 and P71 series bus routes who cannot attend a meeting closer to their neighborhood
Getting there: The closest outbound bus stop is Forbes at Halket (serviced by bus routes 28x, 54, 58, 61A, 61B, 61C, 61D, 67, 69, 71A, 71B, 71C, 71D, 75, 81, 83, 93 and P3). The closest inbound bus stop is Fifth Avenue at Chesterfield Road (serviced by bus routes 28X, 54, 58, 61A, 61B, 61C, 61D, 67, 69, 71A, 71B, 71C, 71D, 75, 81, 83, 93 and P3)
04/14 2018

Oakland & Schenley Farms Walking Tour April 21 @ 1:30 pm

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 Explore the Schenley Farms National-Register Historic District in Oakland with docents from PHLF. Hear how real estate developer Franklin Nicola (1860-1938) realized his dream of creating an example of the “City Beautiful” ideal. Where cows grazed peacefully on a steep Oakland hillside, Nicola saw grand boulevards and elegant homes, hotels, and clubs. We’ll walk along the quiet residential streets of Schenley Farms, where Nicola’s company developed a high-quality residential community with the latest modern conveniences. 
 Participants will take a brief look inside Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum and William Pitt Union (originally, the Hotel Schenley). This tour will reveal the power of historic preservation, since many historic buildings have been sensitively repurposed for new uses. 
Paid reservations by Tuesday, April 17, 2018.
Fee: members $10; non-members $35 (includes a one-year complimentary membership in PHLF)