11/30 2016

Dec 2016 PWSA Waterline Replacement Project Update(Lothrop/Terrace/Darragh)

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pdf icon PWSALTDPUS-11-23-16.pdf


PWSA Waterline Replacement Project Update (Lothrop/Terrace/Darragh) 
To view the Project Update Sheet for the Lothrop/Terrace/Darragh Streets Waterline Replacement Project, please click below. 
This information can also be found at www.pgh2o.com under the “Project Info” section of the home page. 
The project is approximately 75% complete. The anticipated project completion date is December 2016, weather permitting. Remaining work includes final service tie-ins, hydrant and catch basin installation, and sidewalk & final road restoration.
11/24 2016

Pgh Parking Authority Announces FREE Holiday Parking

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The Pittsburgh Parking Authority Announces Free Holiday Parking 
1 – FREE Holiday Parking at ALL Parking Authority Garages on the Following Dates:
Friday, November 25, 2016 (Black Friday); And for Five (5) Saturdays: November 26, December 3, 10, 17 and December 24, 2016.
DOWNTOWN:  Third Avenue- Ninth & Penn- Smithfield Liberty- Oliver- Ft. Duquesne & Sixth Street- Wood Allies- Mellon Square Garage- Grant Street Transportation Center- First Avenue Garage and T Station. 
OAKLAND:  Forbes Semple Garage 
SHADYSIDE:  Shadyside Garage              
2 – FREE Parking in ALL Parking Authority Garages and On-Street Meters for "Small Business Saturday" on Saturday, November 26, 2016. 
11/02 2016

Parkway East Temp Closures THIS WEEKEND NOV 4-7

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Beechwood Boulevard (Greenfield) Bridge reconstruction project to require temporary traffic restrictions during steel installation 
The City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works has announced the following updates regarding the Beechwood Boulevard (Greenfield) Bridge replacement project. 
I-376 East (Parkway East) inbound and outbound lanes will be closed to all traffic on the following dates: 
Friday November 4, at 10:00 p.m. until Monday, November 7, at 6:00 a.m. 
  • Placement of the steel arches and decking over the Parkway East. If the weekend is successful, both steel arches will be in place by Monday, November 7. 
Saturday, November 19, at Midnight (early morning hours of Saturday, following Light Up Night celebrations downtown Friday) until 6:00 a.m. Monday, November 21  
  • Placement of the remaining steel elements 
Following the second weekend closure, crews from Mosites Construction Company will finish tightening all steel connections and perform miscellaneous activities on site. This work will not affect Parkway East traffic.  
Posted detours will follow the same routes and patterns as previous Parkway East closures that took place during the bridge implosion in December 2015. Signage will be provided to direct motorists.  Maps of the official detours are available here: Eastbound Detour Map ; Westbound Detour Map.  
Off duty police officers will be directing traffic at key intersections to assist motorists along the detour routes and help minimize travel times. 
Additional information can be found on the Oakland Transportation Management Association’s (OTMA) community outreach website (http://greenfieldbridge.otmapgh.org/).   
In preparation for the steel erection phase of construction, a crane with a 200 foot boom was delivered on 37 semi-trucks and assembled on site last week. Structural steel elements, including arches delivered in three sections, were also delivered to the work site.  
Crews from Mosites will begin assembling the southern sections of the steel arches over the next two weeks. This work will not impede traffic flow on the Parkway East.   
If you have any questions concerning this closure, please contact Mr. Aaron Pickering, Project Manager of Michael Baker International, at 412-269-6423, or via email to Apickering@mbakerintl.com.      

10/31 2016

PennDOT Yellow Dot Program For Vital Info In Vehicle

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This program assists citizens in the "golden hour” of emergency care following a traffic accident when they may not be able to communicate their needs themselves.  Placing a Yellow Dot decal in your vehicle’s rear window alerts first responders to check your glove compartment for vital information to ensure you receive the medical attention you need.  The program is a cooperative effort between PennDOT, the Dept. of Health and Aging, the State Police, the Turnpike Commission, first responders and local law enforcement.". 
For more information on this program, please click on the following links: 

09/23 2016

Healthy Ride FREE Bike Rental Day Sun 9/25

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Healthy Ride FREE Ride Day 9/25 
Join Healthy Ride on Sunday, September 25 for a day of FREE riding brought to you by Allegheny Health Network. All riding is free from 12:01am to 11:59pm and there is no limit on trip duration. It's easy to participate; the free rate will automatically apply to all Healthy Ride rentals. Find your nearest Healthy Ride station on their Station Map or the nextbike mobile app. 
All riders must have a Healthy Ride account to rent bicycles. New riders can set up an account online at healthyridepgh.com, on the nextbike app, or by calling Customer Service 412-535-5189.   
September 25th offers a full day of fitness with Pittsburgh's 39th Annual Great Race! Run, walk, and bike your way through one of the most active days of the year. #TakeHealthyRide to the race shuttle or to watch your favorite runner cross the finish line.      

09/19 2016

PennDOT/CMU Forbes Ave Projects Website Updated

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PennDOT/CMU Forbes Avenue Improvement Projects Website Updated

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On, August 31st, a public meeting was held to share the design plans and schedule for the Forbes Avenue Betterment Project and the Oakland/CMU Forbes Corridor Improvements Project. Over 250 people attended the meeting held at CMU’s University Center, Rangos Ballroom.



For more information about the initiative, history of the project and project updates visit the project microsite.


Click here to view or download the presentation.


Submit a comment form by Monday, September 26th    

09/08 2016

Bigelow Blvd Between Fifth & Forbes Closed THIS Say 9/10 8:30-2:30

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Pitt Shuttle Service to close Bigelow Boulevard this Saturday for Pitt vs Penn State Football transportation. 
On September 10, 2016, Pitt shuttles will be operating from Bigelow Boulevard (between Forbes Ave and Fifth Ave) and from Sutherland Hall. 
The shuttle operation will begin at 8:30 am. Bigelow Boulevard will remain closed until 2:30 pm.
09/01 2016

Sept 2016 – Oakwatch Mtg Wed 9/21 Noon, Green Team Mtg 9/15 6pm

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Oakwatch : The Oakland Code Enforcement Project
Third Wednesdays
July 20 Noon at the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, located at 234 McKee Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15213​. They ask you to please RSVP.​
No outside food/drink, no backpacks/briefcases
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.
Green Team : Putting the “oak” back in Oakland
Third Thursdays
July 21, 6pm, Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple St, Pgh, PA 15213.
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.

08/30 2016

Public Mtg On Forbes Ave Safety Improvements – Wed 8/31 5pm 5034 Forbes Ave

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Wednesday, August 31, 5:00PM
5034 Forbes Avenue, Cohon University Center, Room: Rangos 3 (2nd Floor) 
PennDOT, City of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, and Oakland Transportation Management Association (OTMA) will share the Forbes Avenue Safety Improvements' project schedule and design plans at the meeting.The project proposes to make transportation safety and efficiency improvements on Forbes Avenue, from S. Craig Street to Beeler Street. 
Please show up on Wednesday to have your voice heard. 
Safety on Forbes Avenue came to the forefront last fall with the death of Susan Hicks, who was riding her bike home from the University of Pittsburgh, where she worked. Safe, connected bike infrastructure throughout Oakland is critical. 
The safety improvement projects are scheduled to take place beginning fall 2017 through summer 2018. 
08/15 2016

Local University Official Move-in Dates 2016

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‘Student Move-in’ for Fall 2016 Term 
Below is a list of local University move-in dates.
  • Carlow University – August 23-24, 28, 2016
  • Carnegie Mellon University – August 20, 24-25, 2016
  • Chatham University – August 24, 2016
  • Duquesne University – August 16, 2016
  • Point Park University – August 22, 25, 27, 2016
  • University of Pittsburgh – August 22-28, 2016