09/18 2018

Oakcliffe Be A Good Neighbor Block Party Tue 9/18 5:30p

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For the Fall semester 2018, the University will hold six “Be A Good Neighbor Block Parties.” The primary objective of these block parties is to bring students who live or will be living in specific Oakland neighborhoods together with long-term residents of those neighborhoods in a “get- to-know-one-another social setting.” Many long-term residents believe these efforts continue to be effective in the reduction of disruptive behavior from the student population. The University of Pittsburgh believes the block parties along with other “educational initiatives” undertaken by both internal and external partners have been major contributors to this reduction and that these efforts should be continued. In this regard, the following is the date for local block party for 2018: 
September 18, 5:30-7:30pm South Oakland, Craft Ave at Niagara Street – (Parklet)