12/18 2014

County, City, Pitt & CMU Receive Award To Build Technology Infrastructure

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Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh — working in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University — will build joint technology infrastructure that will provide leaders and citizens with data-driven tools to improve the effectiveness of local government.
The Richard King Mellon Foundation has awarded $1.8 million to fund the first 18 months of the effort, supporting three major initiatives.
The city and county will create a Government Solutions Engineering team of data experts to seek ways to spur local government modernization and supply data-driven management tools to government leaders. The team will work on ways to make government more efficient and customer-friendly for residents; standardize data formats; better track public spending via performance-based budgeting; and synthesize data on tax delinquency and code enforcement to better track problem property owners.
Read the full press release: