03/05 2015

Pot Holes And Deteriorated Roads

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With the bad weather and increased salt use, more potholes and general deterioration will be developing.  Early next week the temperatures are expected to be above 40 degrees for a few days and will allow DPW to do some badly needed road patching, so if you are aware of any potholes, make sure to report them by either calling 3-1-1 or using the online form at http://pittsburghpa.gov/311/form
It is also approaching that time of year that the city will be evaluating roads that need to be repaved, so mentioning that in any report, or filing a separate report for that would be a good idea.
03/05 2015

City Still Seeking Volunteer Help For Boards, Authorities & Commissions

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(March 2, 2015) Roles are still open for volunteers interested in neighborhood issues such as building codes, disruptive properties and water bills, and for preservationists who can help oversee the City’s archives.
Last month the Peduto administration announced openings for several volunteer roles in City boards, authorities and commissions. Interest has been high in the positions, but the City is still seeking more applicants for the following:
  • Building Code Board of Appeals
  • Commission on City Archives
  • Disruptive Property Appeals Board
  • Water Exoneration Hearing Board
They are among the openings on nine bodies, all of which are listed here on the City website. Links for each group describe the volunteer roles and whether city residency or professional certificates are required for the positions.
03/05 2015

AmeriCorps VISTA 50th Anniv & Be My Neighbor Day 3/21 & 22

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For the AmeriCorps VISTA 50th Anniversary, servePGH is partnering with The United Way of Allegheny County to support the 2nd annual Be My Neighbor Day. Please join us in celebrating the incredible legacy of AmeriCorps VISTA by serving hand in hand with our community members!
Be My Neighbor Day was started in part to honor Fred Rogers and provide a place where kids and families can learn about acts of kindness and participate in activities that benefit our community. 
This event will take place on March 21 & 22nd at several YMCAs across Allegheny County. Volunteers are needed to help lead activities for kids and families at local YMCAs to promote kindness and generosity. Families also have the opportunity to meet Daniel the Tiger.