01/26 2017

Support PWSA’s Green First Plan!

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There is only a few days left to submit public comments to PWSA on their City-Wide Green-First Plan! Tell PWSA that you support their Green-First City-Wide plan because of the benefits that green infrastructure will bring to your neighborhood! 
The plan reduces combined sewer overflows and flooding, and also brings benefits to our community such as cooler temperatures in the summer, revitalized neighborhoods with more green space and street trees, cleaner air, and it fights climate change locally. 
The City-Wide Green-First Plan solves multiple problems, generates community benefits, and cleans our waterways quicker than the ALCOSAN tunnel plan. This plan shows that a green first approach is what's best for our City and the smartest way to invest ratepayer money. 
Now ALCOSAN must completely expand the study and adopt the plan so that all CSO communities throughout the region can get the same benefits for their money. 
Check out their website, cleanriverscampaign.org