01/30 2017

Beware Of Latest Phone Scam: “Can You Hear Me Now”

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The link below is a news story for information about a recent telephone scam.  Please feel free to share with family, friends and members of your community groups or organizations. 
If you receive a phone call from someone asking “can you hear me,” hang up. You’re a potential victim in the latest scam circulating around the U.S. 
The police are now warning about the scheme, which also sparked warnings by Pennsylvania authorities late last year. The “can you hear me” con is actually a variation on earlier scams aimed at getting the victim to say the word “yes”, or "OK" or similar answer in a phone conversation. That affirmative response is recorded by the fraudster and used to authorize unwanted charges on a phone or utility bill or on a purloined credit card. 
The recommendation is to not answer unknown calls, and let them go to voicemail or an answering machine.  See the news report for more info and recommendations.
01/30 2017

Feb 2017 – Oakwatch Mtg Wed 2/15 Noon, Green Team Mtg 2/16 6pm

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Oakwatch : The Oakland Code Enforcement Project
Third Wednesdays
February 15, Noon, St. Regis Church Social Hall, 3235 Parkview Avenue
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.
Green Team : Putting the “oak” back in Oakland
Third Thursdays
February 16, 6pm, Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple St, Pgh, PA 15213.
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.
01/30 2017

City Of Pgh Seeking Resident Reps For Complete StreetsAdvisory Board

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Recently, Pittsburgh City Council has adopted a Complete Streets Policy. As a part of that policy, a Complete Streets Advisory Board will be formed to advise the City on best practices and projects for more bike-friendly and walkable streets.
More information on the new policy can be found here
On the Advisory Board will be 4 resident representatives. The Department of City Planning is accepting applications for resident representatives.
The application can be found here.