03/25 2013

City of Pittsburgh New Bike Share Program Public Meetings

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The City of Pittsburgh is introducing a bike share program in which users are given a key or code to access a bicycle at parked solar-powered docking stations at any time. The program will include 500 bikes for point-to-point trips across the city.
Passes for the system will range from annual, monthly, three-day and 24-hour. Users can take advantage of an app called Spotcycle to determine if a bike or empty dock is available at a station.
The Pittsburgh Bike Share is expected to cost $3 million dollars and is a result of public-private partnership between the City of Pittsburgh, Bakery Square, BikePGH and Alta Planning and Design.  To date, according to Mayor Ravenstahl’s office, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has provided a $1.6 million dollar grant whicl project organizers are securing a $400,000 match from foundations and $1 million from corporate sponsors.
Two public information-sharing meetings are currently scheduled:
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 – 6 p.m.
Carnegie Mellon University
McKenna-Peter-Wright Rooms
2nd Floor, University Center
5302 Forbes Avenue
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 – 12 Noon
Point Park University
Lawrence Hall Ballroom
201 Wood Street
For more information, visit BikePGH http://bikepgh.org or Pittsburgh Bike Share www.pghbikeshare.org